2025-01-17 16:26 jkb |
Leftovers: 0 Food: 53 g m/ck (+ vit + Ca) Exercise: 4-6x
BARP, NOLO, exercised 6x.
2025-01-16 17:17 KK |
Leftovers: 0 Food: 52 g m/ck BARP NOLO
2025-01-16 17:06 SC |
Seen by Ophthalmologist today.
Old scarring is present but nothing new or active. No pain or discomfort. Vision should be intact, which is supported by behavior in enclosure.
Eye exam |
Exam date - | 2025-01-16 | Examiner - | SC |
| RIGHT | LEFT | PLR | Menace | PLR | Menace | DNE | DNE | DNE | DNE | Stain | | Stain | | DNE | | DNE |   | Right eye:
| Left eye:
2025-01-15 17:32 MS |
Leftovers: 0 Food: 54 g m (+ vit + Ca) Exercise: 4-6x
BAR, flying p2p before we walked in. Flew 6x total during exercise but flew more while we dropped food. Went right down to food after being dropped. NOLO.
2025-01-14 15:52 RMB |
Leftovers: 0 Food:52 g m/ck Exercise: 4-6x BAR, NOLO, ate immediately
2025-01-13 16:39 AL |
Leftovers: 0 Food: 55 g m (+ vit + Ca) Exercise: flew 10x BARP. NOLO. Very eager to fly, flew p2p well and went for food immediately when dropped.
2025-01-12 13:22 cd |
Leftovers: 0 Food: 55g ck/m Exercise: 4-6x
BARP, flew immediately. NOLO. Exercised 6x, perched well. Came down for food as soon as I left and brought up to perch.
2025-01-11 11:39 MS |
Leftovers: 0 Food: 55 g m (+ vit + Ca)
BARP, flew multiple laps nonstop. NOLO. Jumped down to food immediately. Did not exercise due to weather.
2025-01-10 09:44 cm |
Leftovers: 0 Food: 50 g ck (+ vit + Ca) Exercise: 4-6x
BARP. NOLO. Exercised 10x. Flew well perch to perch with little encouragement. Quick to grab food once placed.
2025-01-09 15:37 jb/mgs |
Leftovers: 0 Food: 56 g m Exercise: 4-6x Exercised willingly, flight looks good. ?Ready for flight cage NOLO
2025-01-08 16:19 MS |
----------- ORDER CHANGE ------------- decrease food
2025-01-08 15:09 JH |
Leftovers: 0 Food: 60 g ck (+ vit + Ca) Exercise: 4-6x BARP, NOLO, very eager to fly - flew 8x quiet and balanced Dove for food immediately after dropped
2025-01-07 16:17 kc |
Leftovers: 0 Food:61 g m Exercise: 12x BAR, NOLO, ate food immediately, very active
2025-01-06 16:24 GM |
Leftovers: 0 Food: 70 g m (+ vit + Ca)
Exercise: 4-6x
BARP, flew well p2p. Exercised 6x. Very active. Grabbed food immediately after I put it down. NOLO.
2025-01-06 10:22 me |
Weight: 668 grams, Keel score: 4.0 Weight change: +45 g (7 %) Flying well
Eye exam |
Exam date - | 2025-01-06 | Examiner - | me |
| RIGHT | LEFT | PLR | Menace | PLR | Menace | + | DNE | + | DNE | Stain | | Stain | | DNE | | DNE |   | Right eye: small opacity (double dot) on anterior
surface of lens; mild almost transparent
debris in posterior section of
lens; mild floating debris lateral
to pecten; long gray scar across
half of caudal portion of retina | Left eye: Mild but widespread scaring, mostly
caudal and cranial to pecten |
2025-01-05 16:35 AG |
Leftovers: 0 Food: 67 g ck Exercise: 4-6x BARP, NOLO, P to P, Active, immediately swooped down to grab food and took back to perch
2025-01-04 12:13 cd |
Leftovers: 0 Food: 66 g m Exercise: 4-6x
BAR, flying before we entered. 8x+, continued flying as we were feeding. Flew well, quiet. NOLO, collected some pellets.
2025-01-03 16:14 LT |
Leftovers: 0 Food: 60 g m+ck (+ vit + Ca) Exercise: 4-6x
BARP. NOLO. Very alert and active. flew 6x with little persuasion. Began eating immediately.
2025-01-02 11:19 mgs |
Leftovers: 0 Food: 65 g m BAR and perched. Flew immediately on entry. NOLO Exercise: 6x very well without encouragement perch to perch
2025-01-01 10:39 MS |
Leftovers: 0 Food: 69 g m/ck (+ vit + Ca) Exercise: 4-6x
BARP, flew p2p 12x with no encouragement. NOLO. Honked with each landing.
2024-12-31 12:08 JD |
Leftovers: 0 Food: 65 g ck Exercise: 4-6x Very eager to fly, completed 10x, NOLO, BARP, smooth flight
2024-12-30 16:31 GM |
Leftovers: 0 Food: 60 g m (+ vit + Ca) Exercised: 6x
Flew well, silent. NOLO, immediately went for food after I closed the door.
2024-12-29 17:07 AG |
Leftovers: 0 Food: 61 g ck Exercise: 4-6x BARP, NOLO, P to P, very active and went to food immediately
2024-12-28 15:19 CPR |
Leftovers: 0 Food: 65 g m Exercise: 4-6x
BARP. Very skittish. ex 6x. Took very little coaxing to fly. when landed both wings were not flush with body, both slightly drooping. NoLo.
2024-12-27 15:20 LT |
Leftovers: 0 Food: 63 g m (+ vit + Ca) Exercise: 4-6x
BARP, NOLO. Very bright and active. Flew 6x very readily. Swooped down and grabbed food immediately after placing it in the enclosure.
2024-12-26 15:36 MB |
Leftovers: 0 Food: 64 g m Exercise: 4-6x
NOLO, BARP- exercised 6x, flew an additional 4x perch to perch. Smooth landings and eager to fly. Bird grabbed food in talons and flew back to perch immediately after I dropped the food.
2024-12-25 09:00 me |
Leftovers: 0 Food: 64 g m (+ vit + Ca) NOLO Flew a couple of lengths
2024-12-24 11:10 GC |
Leftovers: 0 Food: 41 g ck
BARP, NOLO, flying P to P. Seen eating immediately.
2024-12-24 10:25 MS |
----------- ORDER CHANGE ------------- switch to SID start light exercise
2024-12-24 08:35 GC |
Leftovers: 0 Food: 40 g m
BARP, NOLO, flying P to P confidently. Flew down to eat immediately after I left.
2024-12-23 15:20 GM |
Leftovers: 0 Food: 45 g m (+ vit + Ca) Meloxicam: 0.16 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
BARP, flew great perch to perch, NOLO.
2024-12-23 10:00 me |
Weight: 623 grams, Keel score: 4.0, Leftovers: 0 Weight change: +66 g (12 %) Food: 35 g ck (+ vit + Ca) NOLO Check eyes: OU
Eye exam |
Exam date - | 2024-12-23 | Examiner - | me |
| RIGHT | LEFT | PLR | Menace | PLR | Menace | + | DNE | + | DNE | Stain | | Stain | | DNE | | DNE |   | Right eye: small opacity near center of lens;
lack of pattern cranial/lateral
to pecten; dark diagonal line (scar?)
caudal/lateral to pecten | Left eye: "Rough" gray areas lateral/caudal
and medial/cranial |
2024-12-23 08:13 sc |
stop meloxi
2024-12-22 16:48 AG |
Leftovers: 0 Food: 36 g m/ck Meloxicam: 0.16 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO BARP, NOLO, Perch to wall, Immediately swept down to grab food and returned to perch.
2024-12-22 10:11 EGG |
Leftovers: 0 Food: 35 Meloxicam: 0.16 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO BAR, perched but immediately began flying when I entered. NOLO.
2024-12-21 15:42 CPR |
Leftovers: 0 Food: 36 g m Meloxicam: 0.16 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
BARP. Flew into side wall and hung onto it. NoLo
2024-12-21 08:45 mm |
Leftovers: 0 Food: 40 g m/ck Meloxicam: 0.16 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO Perched, flew to ceiling.
2024-12-20 16:50 MB |
Leftovers: 0 Food: 35 g m (+ vit + Ca) Meloxicam: 0.16 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
NOLO, BARP- flew to and grabbed onto the top of enclosure wall and stayed there.
2024-12-20 09:15 me |
Leftovers: 0 Food: 39 g m (+ vit + Ca) Meloxicam: 0.16 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO NOLO Perche, flew down to food immediately
2024-12-19 15:22 jb |
Leftovers: 0 Food: fed 38 g m; NOLO Meloxicam: 0.16 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO BAR and on perch
2024-12-19 09:25 KRS |
Leftovers: 0 Food: 35 g ck Meloxicam: 0.16 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO Nolo, BAR, on perch, flew to L corner and back
2024-12-18 15:17 MB |
Leftovers: 0 Food: 36 g m (+ vit + Ca) Meloxicam: 0.16 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
BAR NOLO perched. Stayed on perch.
2024-12-18 09:00 RN |
Leftovers: 0 Food: 38 g ck (+ vit + Ca) Meloxicam: 0.16 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
BARP, flew around enclosure grabbing walls but eventually settled, NOLO, changed water, hosed under perc
2024-12-17 15:14 LKM |
Leftovers: 0 Food: 37 g m/ck Meloxicam: 0.16 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
BARP, looking all around enclosure, flew up to ceiling 2x then stayed on perch watching me, flew down and grabbed food and took back to perch as soon as I exited, NOLO
2024-12-17 09:10 EA |
Leftovers: 0 Food: 40 g m Meloxicam: 0.16 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
BAR, perched then flew around enclosure and returned to perch, NOLO
2024-12-16 17:43 AL/srm |
Food: 36 g m (+ vit + Ca) Meloxicam: 0.16 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
qar, perched, nothing else of note
2024-12-16 10:42 bt |
Leftovers: 0 Food: 36 g /ck (+ vit + Ca) Meloxicam: 0.16 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO BAR, Flew from perch to wall to perch. Grabbed food once placed and took up to perch. NOLO
2024-12-15 15:37 AG |
Leftovers: 0 Food: 37 g ck Meloxicam: 0.16 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO BARP, NOLO, flew and went back to perch
2024-12-15 09:40 DG |
Leftovers: 0 Food: 37 g m Meloxicam: 0.16 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
BAR, perched, flew to wall and back to perch twice, NOLO
2024-12-14 15:29 CPR |
Leftovers: 0 Food: 40 g m Meloxicam: 0.16 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO BNP drops - OD - AM Try without grabbing
2024-12-14 09:44 kj |
Leftovers: 0 Food: 37g ck Meloxicam: 0.16 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO BNP drops - OD - did without grabbing BARP NOLO flew around a bit then landed on ground for eyedrops
2024-12-13 16:14 MB |
Leftovers: 0 Food: 40 g m (+ vit + Ca) Meloxicam: 0.16 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
NOLO, BARP- stayed perched in one spot, watching me
2024-12-13 12:07 ME |
Weight: 557 grams, Keel score: 2.5, Leftovers: 0 Weight change: +61 g (12 %) Food: 47 g ck (+ vit + Ca) Meloxicam: 0.16 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO - given PO NOLO Stain: OU - neg Check eyes: OU
----------- ORDER CHANGE ------------- Stop BNP
Eye exam |
Exam date - | 2024-12-13 | Examiner - | ME |
| RIGHT | LEFT | PLR | Menace | PLR | Menace | + | DNE | + | DNE | Stain | | Stain | | DNE | | DNE |   | Right eye: slight distortion of view through
cornea (?); mild widespread gray
lesions cranial to pecten, 15-20%
affected | Left eye: gray scarring medial/caudal, 10%
affected |
2024-12-12 16:48 ah/jb |
Leftovers: 0 Food: fed 39 g m; NOLO Meloxicam: 0.16 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO bird was on perch and BAR upon arrival,
2024-12-12 09:54 SD |
Leftovers: 0 Food: 36 g m Meloxicam: 0.16 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO BNP drops - OD - AM Try without grabbing BAR, NOLO, very active, had to grab to administer eye drops
2024-12-11 15:32 MB |
Leftovers: 0 Food: 38 g m (+ vit + Ca) Meloxicam: 0.16 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
BAR NOLO. Perched. moving around on perched and clinging to ceiling. Jumped to food soon after door closed.
2024-12-11 09:35 RN |
Leftovers: 0 Food: 37 g m/ck (+ vit + Ca) Meloxicam: 0.16 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO BNP drops - OD
BARP, tried to fly to ceiling a couple times when I tried to give drops w/o grabbing, so opted to grab, and changed papers
2024-12-10 15:45 kc |
Leftovers: 0 Food: 43 g ck Meloxicam: 0.16 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO BAR on perch in corner. NOLO. ate immediately.
2024-12-10 09:53 EA |
Leftovers: 0 Food: 35 g ck (+ vit + Ca) Meloxicam: 0.16 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO BNP drops - OD - AM Try without grabbing
QARP, hopped to floor then back to perch. allowed BNP drops without grabbing, NOLO
2024-12-09 17:09 GM |
Leftovers: 0 Food: 40 g m/ck (+ vit + Ca) Meloxicam: 0.16 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
QARP, looked at back wall for escape route. NOLO.
2024-12-09 12:03 sc |
Weight: 496 grams, Keel score: 2.5, Leftovers: 0 Weight change: +18 g (4 %) Food: 35 g 1/2 FL + 1/2 m/ck (+ vit + Ca) Meloxicam: 0.16 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO Terramycin - OD Stain: OD Check eyes: OU Radiograph: Weigh Keel check Move to - outside?
BARP. NOLO and clacking. Rads taken under 2.5% ISO via mask show NSF. I looked into both lower eye lids again and the R looks practically normal and less inflamed. Since weight is up and OD is looking better moved outside to R14d.
----------- ORDER CHANGE ------------- Stop FL Increase food BID Stop Terra SID Start BNP drops SID
Eye exam |
Exam date - | 2024-12-09 | Examiner - | sc |
| RIGHT | LEFT | PLR | Menace | PLR | Menace | + | DNE | + | DNE | Stain | | Stain | | + | | DNE |   | Right eye: The lens has cleared up a good
bit and it is much easier to see
into the PC. Other than the odd
pattern (M/V) and lack of pattern
(D/L) the eye looks ok. Stain +
but much smaller and less bright
than last time | Left eye: Lacks pattern laterally and still
has the odd looking pattern where
there is pattern symetrical to
the other eye |
2024-12-09 11:04 CL |
2024-12-08 16:08 al |
Leftovers: 0 Food: 30 g 1/2 FL + 1/2 ck (+ vit + Ca) SQ fluids: 25 ml Meloxicam: 0.16 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
QARP, changed papers while bird was perched in kennel. NOLO
2024-12-08 09:30 cd |
Leftovers: 0 Food: 33 g 1/2 FL + 1/2 ck (+ vit + Ca) SQ fluids: 25 ml Meloxicam: 0.16 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO Terramycin - OD - AM
BARP and feisty. NOLO - gave fluids this morning since grabbing already.
2024-12-08 08:17 cd |
----------- ORDER CHANGE ------------- switched fluids to SID
2024-12-07 17:23 MS |
Leftovers: 0 Food: Meloxicam: 0.16 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
BARP, clacking. NOLO! Did not grab.
2024-12-07 09:34 egg |
Leftovers: 0 Food: 34 g 1/2 FL + 1/2 m/ck SQ fluids: 25 ml Meloxicam: 0.16 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO Terramycin - OD - AM BAR, NOLO. Hissing and clacking. Tried kicking a lot. Readily opened mouth when giving PO meds (tried to bite). Also trying to bite when giving Terramycin.
2024-12-06 16:21 ME |
Leftovers: 0 Food: 35 g 1/2 FL + 1/2 m/ck (+ vit + Ca) SQ fluids: 25 ml Meloxicam: 0.16 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO NOLO BAR, perched
2024-12-06 09:30 egg |
Weight: 478 grams, Leftovers: 0 Weight change: +8 g (2 %) Food: 35 g 1/2 FL + 1/2 m/ck (+ vit + Ca) SQ fluids: 25 ml Meloxicam: 0.16 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO Terramycin - OD - AM BAR, NOLO. Did not vocalize, but full of fight. Bitey and kicky.
2024-12-05 16:24 jb/KK |
Leftovers: 0 Food: 30 g 1/2 FL + 1/2 m SQ fluids: 25 ml Meloxicam: 0.16 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO Terramycin - OD - AM BAR NOLO
2024-12-05 15:46 MS |
----------- ORDER CHANGE ------------- start melox
2024-12-05 12:44 SD |
Leftovers: 0 Food: 14 g FL ck (+ vit + Ca)
QAR. Standing on perch, didn't move much but did turn to face the door of kennel.
2024-12-05 10:57 sc |
Weight: 470 grams, Keel score: 2.0 History: this is band return, released almost 1 year ago. this bird had mouse school and eye issues prior to being released. Found on a sidewalk in the same neighborhood. Previously named Heyden ------------- PHYSICAL EXAM FINDINGS ---------------- Head Behavior and Neuro: BAR Beak: Dirty Body Keel and pectoral muscles: Thin - keel 2 Body condition score: 2 Wings Left wing: WNL Right wing: WNL Legs Left leg: WNL Right leg: WNL Feathers: Overall good condition Ectoparasites: None seen
Exam notes: Bird is a little quiet, but more BAR throughout exam. The eyes are changed but still not 100%. We will need to monitor them carefully. There are a few minor scabs on several toes (L1,L4,R2) and digit 1 on both feet have blunt talons. Treated and placed in KR2
Treatment Terra Oint - OD 25cc LRS + B SQ
Eye exam |
Exam date - | 2024-12-05 | Examiner - | sc |
| RIGHT | LEFT | PLR | Menace | PLR | Menace | + | DNE | + | DNE | Stain | | Stain | | ++ | | DNE |   | Right eye: Widespread mild grey scarring that
you can visualize the retina under.
There is a cateract visible, not
quite center on lens. It is hard
to look into the PC because it
is distorted like looking through
broken glass. Ulcer stained middle
of globe. | Left eye: PC also has grey areas that you
can visualize the retina though
and there are good striations.
There are areas that have wide
striations, almost with a light
background and red "veins/rivers"
that run through them. same is
in OD |
2024-12-05 10:57 sc |
Band changed to: 2187-15276